# Sharing a link to a file If you are using the JupyterLab interface, right click on the file in the file browser and select `Copy Shareable Link`: ![share-link-file-browser](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/591645/136811238-e4a021ef-1dbf-4cda-b38d-c0f83ec8082e.png) If you are using the Jupyter Notebook interface, you can simply copy the URL as is: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/591645/136811563-db16c258-d1b0-4771-b3be-5e72853dba5e.png) If you are using [Real Time Collaboration](../configure/rtc.md) features, the name of the room will also be encoded in the URL: ![share-link-rtc](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/591645/136810834-14bb906b-1cc9-4eae-8b4b-d5d39068ce15.gif)