# Deploy JupyterLite on a standalone server or locally Deploying a JupyterLite site requires: - a copy of the JupyterLite site assets - often provided by the `pip`-installable python package `jupyterlite-core` - an option set of configurations for the site and different apps - different options offer trade-offs between reproducibility, build speed, deployment size, and end-user performance, privacy, and security ## Get an Empty JupyterLite Site The minimum deployable site archive contains enough to run all of the default [applications](./using.md#applications), but no content. ```{hint} Use of the CLI is optional, but **recommended**. It offers substantially better integration with other Jupyter tools. ``` To get the [Python CLI](../reference/cli.ipynb) and [API](../reference/api/index.md) from [PyPI]: ```bash python -m pip install jupyterlite-core ``` You can also install the CLI from [conda forge] with `conda`: ```bash conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlite-core ``` Or `mamba`: ```bash mamba install -c conda-forge jupyterlite-core ``` To build an empty site (just the JupyterLite static assets): ```bash jupyter lite init ``` By default the JupyterLite website will be placed in the `_output` folder. You can specific a different with `--output-dir` parameter. For instance: ```bash jupyter lite build --output-dir dist ``` ````{note} By default the `jupyterlite-core` package does not provide any kernels. If you would like to install one in your environment you would need to install it in your build environment. For example to install the Pyodide kernel for JupyterLite: ```bash python -m pip install jupyterlite-pyodide-kernel ``` Then make sure to rerun the `jupyter lite build` command. ```` ## Customizing the site By default the JupyterLite site will be empty, but you can customize it by adding your own content and configuration. The documentation includes several how-to guides for customizing the site: - [Adding kernels](../howto/configure/kernels.md) - [Adding extensions](../howto/configure/simple_extensions.md) - [Adding content](../howto/content/files.md) Check out the list of [how-to guides](../howto/index.md) for more information. ## Standalone Servers Now that the static assets have been built, you can use a plain HTTP server to serve them and access JupyterLite from a web browser. Suitable for local development, many languages provide easy-to-use servers that can serve your JupyterLite locally while you get it working the way you want. ```{warning} Serving some of the kernels requires that your web server supports serving `application/wasm` files with the correct headers ``` ```{hint} An HTTPS-capable server is recommended for all but the simplest `localhost` cases. ``` ### `jupyter lite serve` The `jupyter lite serve` command offers either a web server powered by Python's built-in `http.server` or `tornado`, which is likely to be available if any other Jupyter tools are installed. In the same directory, run the following command to start the server: ```bash jupyter lite serve ``` ```{note} More options are also available such as changing the port and log level. Check out the help with `jupyter lite serve --help` to learn more. ``` #### Jupyter If you're already running a [Jupyter Server]-powered app, such as JupyterLab, your files will be served correctly on e.g. `http://localhost:8888/files`. #### Python ##### http.server The `http` module in the Python standard library is a suitably-effective server for local purposes. ```bash python -m http.server -b ``` If you are using a recently-released Python 3.7+, this will correctly serve `application/wasm` files for WebAssembly kernels. #### NodeJS Most nodejs-based servers will be able to host JupyterLite without any problems. Note, however, that `http-server` does not support the `application/wasm` MIME type. ## Using a release archive As an alternative to using the `jupyter-lite` CLI, you can also download a release archive from the [GitHub Releases][releases] page. Download it an extract it, then use one of the approaches mentioned above to start the server. Nightly and work-in-progress archives are also available from [GitHub actions]. [github actions]: https://github.com/jupyterlite/jupyterlite/actions [releases]: https://github.com/jupyterlite/jupyterlite/releases [pypi]: https://pypi.org/project/jupyterlite/ [conda forge]: https://conda-forge.org/ [jupyter server]: https://jupyter-server.readthedocs.io/en/latest/