# Interface: `ISessions` [@jupyterlite/session](../modules/jupyterlite_session.md).ISessions The interface for the sessions services. ## Properties ### `patch` > > **`patch`**: (`options`: `IModel`) => `Promise`<`IModel`\> #### Type declaration > > (`options`): `Promise`<`IModel`\> Path an existing session. This can be used to rename a session. ##### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | | :------ | :------ | :------ | | `options` | `IModel` | The options to patch the session. | ##### Returns `Promise`<`IModel`\> #### Defined in [packages/session/src/tokens.ts:32](https://github.com/jupyterlite/jupyterlite/blob/c78cc8d/packages/session/src/tokens.ts#L32) ### `shutdown` > > **`shutdown`**: (`id`: `string`) => `Promise`<`void`\> #### Type declaration > > (`id`): `Promise`<`void`\> Shut down a session. ##### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | | :------ | :------ | :------ | | `id` | `string` | The id of the session to shut down. | ##### Returns `Promise`<`void`\> #### Defined in [packages/session/src/tokens.ts:46](https://github.com/jupyterlite/jupyterlite/blob/c78cc8d/packages/session/src/tokens.ts#L46) ### `startNew` > > **`startNew`**: (`options`: `IModel`) => `Promise`<`IModel`\> #### Type declaration > > (`options`): `Promise`<`IModel`\> Start a new session. ##### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | | :------ | :------ | :------ | | `options` | `IModel` | The options to start a new session. | ##### Returns `Promise`<`IModel`\> #### Defined in [packages/session/src/tokens.ts:39](https://github.com/jupyterlite/jupyterlite/blob/c78cc8d/packages/session/src/tokens.ts#L39) ## Methods ### `get` > > **`get`**(`id`): `Promise`<`IModel`\> Get a session by id. #### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | | :------ | :------ | :------ | | `id` | `string` | The id of the session. | #### Returns `Promise`<`IModel`\> #### Defined in [packages/session/src/tokens.ts:19](https://github.com/jupyterlite/jupyterlite/blob/c78cc8d/packages/session/src/tokens.ts#L19) ### `list` > > **`list`**(): `Promise`<`IModel`[]\> List the running sessions #### Returns `Promise`<`IModel`[]\> #### Defined in [packages/session/src/tokens.ts:24](https://github.com/jupyterlite/jupyterlite/blob/c78cc8d/packages/session/src/tokens.ts#L24)