# Contents This section describes how contents is integrated on a JupyterLite site and how it is used. ## Access within the kernel By default, contents accessible via the default filebrowser is independent of the contents accessible within an execution kernel. Making the files available to the kernel may depend on how kernels are implemented. ### Emscripten kernel Kernels using Emscripten (like [pyodide](https://github.com/jupyterlite/pyodide-kernel/) or [xeus kernels](https://github.com/jupyterlite/xeus/)) relies on the [Emscripten filesystem](https://emscripten.org/docs/api_reference/Filesystem-API.html) to access their contents. For such case, `@jupyterlite/contents` provides a [`DriveFS`](https://jupyterlite.readthedocs.io/en/stable/reference/api/ts/classes/jupyterlite_contents.DriveFS-1.html) helper class which can be used to mount files in the Emscripten filesystem: ```ts const mountpoint = '/drive'; const { FS, PATH, ERRNO_CODES } = /* provided by the emscripten module */; const { baseUrl } = options; const { DriveFS } = await import('@jupyterlite/contents'); const driveFS = new DriveFS({ FS, PATH, ERRNO_CODES, baseUrl, // Website base URL driveName: 'my-drive', // Any name of your choosing mountpoint, }); FS.mkdir(mountpoint); FS.mount(driveFS, {}, mountpoint); FS.chdir(mountpoint); ``` After mounting the drive, the Jupyter Server contents (the one displayed in the filebrowser) will be available within the kernel under the folder `/drive`. The website base URL is required for the `DriveFS` to request its content from the main application. Diving into the drive architecture will clarify that. ```{mermaid} flowchart LR subgraph main thread direction TB M[Main thread] M --- C[Contents] end subgraph webworker direction TB M -.- K[Kernel] K --- FS[Emscripten FS] FS --- D[DriveFS] end S[Service worker] -.-|BroadcastChannel| M D -.-|REST API| S ``` Three threads are at play when running a kernel inside JupyterLite: - The main thread: it executes the main user interface and knows about the filebrowser contents. - The kernel web worker: it executes the kernel (e.g. evaluate the code snippet from a notebook sent by the main thread). It mounts a `DriveFS` into the Emscripten filesystem. - The service worker: it serves website assets from cache (to work offline). And it can also capture any other network requests. Assuming the kernel executes the following python snippet code writing into a text file: ```py Path("dummy.txt").write_text("Writing on Emscripten filesystem") ``` Here is a simplification sequence of interaction happening to perform the filesystem operation: ```{mermaid} sequenceDiagram participant P as Python interpreter participant F as Emscripten FS participant D as DriveFS participant S as Service Worker participant M as Main thread participant C as Contents manager P->>+F: Write text into file F->>+D: Call put D->>+S: Send HTTP POST /api/drive S->>+M: Broadcast message via channel M->>+C: Call `save` C-->>-M: None M-->>-S: Response S-->>-D: Response D-->>-F: Return F-->>-P: Done ``` When the code interact with the filesystem, it interacts with the [Emscripten virtual filesystem](https://emscripten.org/docs/porting/files/file_systems_overview.html). That virtual filesystem allows classical code (like the Python snippet in this example) to be run with little or no change. Moreover the virtual filesystem allows developer to provide their own mechanism for dealing with filesystem io through a [filesystem API](https://emscripten.org/docs/api_reference/Filesystem-API.html#filesystem-api). In the sequence, we simplify the API triggered to a single `put` (in truth multiple calls will happen when writing a file). As we plugged a custom drive implementation `DriveFS`, the put resolution will therefore be the responsibility of that code. The logic in place is to start a POST HTTP request on the `/api/drive` endpoint with a body describing the filesystem operation to be performed. In this case, it looks like: ```json { "method": "put", "path": "/dummy.txt", "data": { "format": "text", "data": "Writing on Emscripten filesystem" } } ``` That request is meant to be captured by the service worker (defined in the `@jupyterlite/server` package). The service worker will forward the HTTP request to the main thread via a message in a `BroadcastChannel` named `/api/drive.v1`. That message will be captured by the `BroadcastChannelWrapper` that is instantiated in the plugin `@jupyterlite/server-extension:emscripten-filesystem`. That wrapper is aware of the Jupyter contents manager to answer the request. For example, in the case of a `put` operation, the `save` method of contents manager will be called. Then the reply is propagated back (through the broadcast channel, then the network request,...) to the Emscripten filesystem. The need to use a HTTP request raises to the constrain of answering a synchronous API (aka the Emscripten filesystem) with an asynchronous API (aka the Jupyter contents manager). That architecture makes it possible for lite kernel to access contents from a custom [JupyterLab drive](https://jupyterlab.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/interfaces/services.Contents.IDrive.html) to have multiple sources of contents.