# Interface: `IOptions` [@jupyterlite/application](../modules/jupyterlite_application.md).[SingleWidgetApp](../modules/jupyterlite_application.SingleWidgetApp.md).IOptions The instantiation options for an App application. ## Hierarchy - `IOptions`<[`ISingleWidgetShell`](../modules/jupyterlite_application.md#isinglewidgetshell)\> - `Partial`<[`IInfo`](jupyterlite_application.SingleWidgetApp.IInfo.md)\> ↳ **``IOptions``** ## Properties ### `commandLinker` > > `Optional` **`commandLinker`**: `CommandLinker` The command linker used by the application. #### Inherited from JupyterFrontEnd.IOptions.commandLinker #### Defined in node_modules/@jupyterlab/application/lib/frontend.d.ts:110 ### `contextMenuRenderer` > > `Optional` **`contextMenuRenderer`**: `IRenderer` A custom renderer for the context menu. #### Inherited from JupyterFrontEnd.IOptions.contextMenuRenderer #### Defined in node_modules/@lumino/application/types/index.d.ts:307 ### `docRegistry` > > `Optional` **`docRegistry`**: `DocumentRegistry` The document registry instance used by the application. #### Inherited from JupyterFrontEnd.IOptions.docRegistry #### Defined in node_modules/@jupyterlab/application/lib/frontend.d.ts:106 ### `mimeExtensions` > > `Optional` `Readonly` **`mimeExtensions`**: `IExtensionModule`[] The mime renderer extensions. #### Inherited from Partial.mimeExtensions #### Defined in [packages/application/src/singleWidgetApp.ts:142](https://github.com/jupyterlite/jupyterlite/blob/999c7f0/packages/application/src/singleWidgetApp.ts#L142) ### `pluginRegistry` > > `Optional` **`pluginRegistry`**: `PluginRegistry`<`any`\> Application plugin registry. If defined the options related to the plugin registry will be ignored. #### Inherited from JupyterFrontEnd.IOptions.pluginRegistry #### Defined in node_modules/@lumino/application/types/index.d.ts:314 ### `restored` > > `Optional` **`restored`**: `Promise`<`any`\> Promise that resolves when state is first restored, returning layout description. #### Inherited from JupyterFrontEnd.IOptions.restored #### Defined in node_modules/@jupyterlab/application/lib/frontend.d.ts:119 ### `serviceManager` > > `Optional` **`serviceManager`**: `IManager` The service manager used by the application. #### Inherited from JupyterFrontEnd.IOptions.serviceManager #### Defined in node_modules/@jupyterlab/application/lib/frontend.d.ts:114 ### `shell` > > **`shell`**: [`ISingleWidgetShell`](../modules/jupyterlite_application.md#isinglewidgetshell) The shell widget to use for the application. This should be a newly created and initialized widget. The application will attach the widget to the DOM. #### Inherited from JupyterFrontEnd.IOptions.shell #### Defined in node_modules/@lumino/application/types/index.d.ts:303 ### `validatePlugin` > > `Optional` **`validatePlugin`**: (`plugin`: `IPlugin`<`any`, `any`\>) => `boolean` #### Type declaration > > (`plugin`): `boolean` Validate that a plugin is allowed to be registered. Default is `() => true`. ##### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | | :------ | :------ | :------ | | `plugin` | `IPlugin`<`any`, `any`\> | The plugin to validate | ##### Returns `boolean` Whether the plugin can be registered or not. #### Notes We recommend you print a console message with the reason a plugin is invalid. #### Inherited from JupyterFrontEnd.IOptions.validatePlugin #### Defined in node_modules/@lumino/coreutils/types/plugins.d.ts:277