Using an existing JupyterLite deployment#

If this is the first time you hear about JupyterLite, you might want to first try it out.

How is JupyterLite different than JupyterLab?#

If you’re using a JupyterLite site, there isn’t much to know. It works like a regular, server-backed JupyterLab site, except:

  • The list of kernels, usually visible from the Launcher as different Notebook flavors, will be different

  • Your data is written to in-browser storage

    • though you may be able to copy

  • None of your data leaves your browser unless…

    • Extensions are installed and enabled, and send data to external services

    • Your Notebooks include code that uses the browser’s fetch mechanism

Using JupyterLite#

Using JupyterLite is simple: just visit the URL of a deployment in a web browser!

There are a couple of public-facing JupyterLite instances out there, with different sets of extensions, packages and content:

A deployment can have one or more applications available.



JupyterLab is the next-generation user interface for Project Jupyter offering all the familiar building blocks of the classic Jupyter Notebook (notebook, text editor, file browser, rich outputs, etc.) in a flexible and powerful user interface. JupyterLab will eventually replace the classic Jupyter Notebook.



RetroLab is a JupyterLab distribution with a retro look and feel, similar to the classic Jupyter Notebook.



The REPL application is a minimal UI based on the JupyterLab code console to easily execute code in the browser.



JupyterLite Kernels implement Jupyter Kernel Messaging in the browser with the help of mock-socket.

A Python kernel powered by Pyodide#

By default JupyterLite ships with a Python kernel called Pyolite.

Pyolite is built on top of pyodide, and includes piplite, a wrapper around micropip which supports customized wheels sources.


By default JupyterLite also ships with a simple JavaScript kernel that runs in an Web Worker.