Making changes to a JupyterLite website hosted on GitHub Pages#


This guide assumes you already have a JupyterLite website hosted on GitHub Pages.

If that’s not the case, check out the quickstart guide to learn how to deploy JupyterLite on GitHub Pages.

Making changes to the website#

If the dependencies are listed in a requirements.txt file, edit the file to make your changes.

For example let’s say you want to add the jupyterlab-night theme to your deployment. Open requirements.txt and add the following line:

# other dependencies for building the JupyterLite website
# ...

# add the jupyterlab-night theme

Opening a pull request#

Once you are done making changes, commit your changes and push them to GitHub.

Then open a new pull request. Opening the pull request will trigger a new build of the JupyterLite website and produce the static assets that will be hosted on GitHub Pages after merging the pull request into the main branch.

You can inspect the content of the new build by clicking on the “Details” link of the check:

a screenshot showing the list of GitHub checks running on CI

Then click on Summary to see the list of artifacts produced by the build:

a screenshot showing how to click on the GitHub Actions summary page

Inspecting the new version of the website#

Download the artifacts and extract it locally. Open a new terminal and run the following command to start a local web server:

python -m http.server

Then open the following URL in your browser:


You should see the new version of your JupyterLite website:

a screenshot showing the new JupyterLab theme now available via the Settings menu

If the changes look good, you can merge the pull request. The GitHub Pages website will be updated automatically a few minutes after.